All The President's Men Lies "What the president said in his remarks is that the terrorists now have made Iraq a central front in the 'war on terrorism,'" said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.No, you dumbasses!
Get it through your heads! WE, the United States of America have made Iraq a central front on the war on terrorism! Before WE attacked Iraq and made it a war torn country there were no terrorist lurking in Iraq. There was no
insurgency tearing the country apart. There were no daily bombings (except of course the one's being made by US war planes). No suicide bombers.
Yes there was Saddam. Yes he was a cruel and heartless President. Yes there was rape and torture. Of all that only Saddam is gone. There is still rape and torture, and now there is NO safe haven. With little hope of any semblance of peace anytime in the near future.
It was NOT the terrorist who took this fight to Iraq, it was the government of the United States of America. No amount of spin will change that.
The 9/11 Commission stated, Saddam and Iraq had nothing, NOTHING, to do with the attacks of September 11th. To invoke the tragedy of that day to shore up support for an illegal and unnecessary war is unconscionable. Another in the long list of lies this administration continues to spew forth.
The good news is the number of sheeple/
ostrich people is getting smaller and smaller. Hopefully by election time in 06 their number will be so small as to be negligible.
I believe this father said it best...
"William Hall heard the first half of Bush's speech, which lasted less than a half-hour, in his car on his way home and heard the final half with his wife. When he heard Bush's remarks about the lack of a need for more troops, "I snorted and asked myself 'Who does he think he's fooling?' We've heard from our son, who is right in the middle of trying to put the cork in the bottle, and he says 'We go in, we clean them out, we leave and they come back."So, Mr President just how long do we remain in Iraq in hopes of the insurgents growing tired and going away? Or for Iraqi troops to become trained so that they might be able to deal with the insurgents? Like that isn't some kind of fantasy.
Personally I foresee a very very long stay for our troops. VERY long.
I didn't watch the speech, but I read the transcript. It was pathetic. You'd think these people could come up with better speech writers. Then again, maybe not. They've now resorted to going back to using the same old lies. The war in Iraq is about the war on terrorism. It's about the events of September 11th. Lies, lies, and more lies. It just never ends.
So, out of curiosity, what's
your estimate of how long our troops will remain in Iraq?
posted by wanda at 6:04 AM
Show me the Money Tough "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."Karl Rove...June 2005
Very slick there Mr Rode-into-town-on-Bush's-coattails-Rove. You assumed , and rightly so, this asinine comment would stir up a plethora of media attention. Your mission here was undoubtly two-fold.
First of all you absolutley had to divert attention from the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, going on, on Capitol Hill this past week. After all you certainly didn't want the media airing that tidbit from a top American commander for the Middle East. You know the part where he [General John P. Abixzid] said
"the insurgency in Iraq had not diminished..." clearly contradicting statements by Vice President Dick Cheney that the insurgents were in their "last throes." God forbid the MSM [mainstream media] play a sound bite of Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) saying
"I'm here to tell you, sir, in the most patriotic state that I can imagine, people are beginning to question," "And I don't think it's a blip on the radar screen. I think we have a chronic problem on our hands." Nope, you and your cohorts could not have the media paying too much attention to the little reality check the Bush administration was receiving. With opinion polls showing that most Americans now believe the war in Iraq wasn't worth it, the Bush administration has a major public relations problem on its hands.
You knew you had to do something outragous. What better way to do that than to come out full metal jacket and attack your enemy. Which is where the second part of your plan comes in. The perfect opportunity to besmirch and slander Liberals.
I'm guessing that you've rounded up that much maligned banner and proudly hung it over your desk in your office.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED At least this time it's not only correct, but well deserved.
What bothers me most is not that you were able to fool and distract the MSM. After all we all know the media are much like cats, easily entertained and easily distracted. No, what angers me is that not one single media pundit has called you out on your remarks. Not one has pointed out that the only
war the Bush administration prepared for was one you'd already been planning, and used the tragic events of September 11th to further advance your plans and bring them to fruition.
I wonder how many Americans realize that on September 10th, 2001 the official Iraqi news agency (INA) reported, eight people were killed and three others injured in a Western missile strike south-east of Baghdad on Sunday. (The Pentagon has said that US Air Force F-16, Navy F-18 and British Tornado GR-4 aircraft struck missile sites near al-Numinayah, al-Kut and Tallil, all south-east of Baghdad.) That would be Sunday September 9th. Two days BEFORE September 11th.
As for the war on terrorism, well lets look at that one. Not a single person associated with 9/11 has been tried and convicted. In fact with the exception of Zacharias Moussaoui (who has yet to be successfully tried or convicted) not one single person associated with 9/ll has even been ARRESTED. While there are hundreds of detainees/prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay, not one has been charged, tried or convicted. After 1-3 years of detention and only God knows how mercilessly interrogated, not one has ever been actually charged. Forget about put on trial and convicted. In fact there is no proof that even one of the hundreds being held were in any way connected to the events of September 11th.
Not one. While Porter Goss claims
"we know where Osama Bin Laden is..." , no one seems to have the propensity to get off their collective asses and go get him. Oh, and that line about respecting the sovereignty of other nations, well that's pure propaganda. Did we respect the sovereignty of Afghanistan when we thought
they were harboring Bin Laden and his band of merry men? No, we did not.
As for other nations providing sanctuary for Bin Laden, well that pretty much falls apart when you see Pakistanian leaders saying
"Please come and show us where he is or tell us where he is. We will act on such information." So, what's actually happening here is
we know where the master mind of 9/11 is, we just can't seem to get it together enough to go get him and bring him in. Yep that's tough alright.
Our borders remain virtually unprotected, and the President clearly has no intention of changing that. It might interfere with his buddies in big business having access to all that cheap labor in the form of illegal aliens.
So Mr Rove, tell me again how conservatives are tough on terrorism. Because if this is your idea of tough, well I'm damned proud to say I'm not only
NOT a conservative, but I'm damned proud to be a Liberal.
More important, someone please explain to me how it is that bloggers are the only ones pointing out the
LIES coming out of Rove's mouth. Where the hell is that
liberal leaning media I keep hearing about?
posted by wanda at 12:40 AM