"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin
Saturday, April 05, 2003
I found this online today at
The Ironic Times ... couldn't resist sharing it.
Five Things We Might Not Have Noticed During the Current Crisis:
1. For security reasons, the Constitution has been removed from the Capitol Rotunda and placed in an undisclosed location, where it is being edited and improved by John Ashcroft.
2. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail has been opened for strip mining.
3. The Department of the Interior began construction on a number of "Summer Camps," whose purpose is officially described as "classified."
4. The Supreme Court has ruled that punitive damage awards against large corporations violates the ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
5. Christianity was declared the "preferred provider" of religious services for America, by presidential decree.
Hopefully this will always be 'just a joke'...
Then again maybe not...I found this on
USA TODAY makes #4 above almost scarey!
posted by wanda at 3:02 PM
It's important that we remember our troops all over the world in our prayers. Their families as well. As a wife of a former service member, who served in Iraq and Kuwait durning Desert Shield/Storm, I can tell you, war is hell on the ones left behind as well.
We were stationed in Germany when my husband got orders to deploy to the Persian Gulf. I remember that I was in a state of shock for days. All I could do was cry, cry myself to sleep, then wake up and cry some more. I don't know how my children survived those first few days. I wasn't able to take care of myself, much less them. One of my friends ask me, "Didn't you realize that this could happen? Bob is in the Army for God's sake!". I know now, how foolish it must have seemed that I wasn't prepared for the idea, but I wasn't. My husband had joined the Army because jobs were scarce and with 2.5 children we needed an income. I never gave any thought to the idea that he might actually have to go to WAR!. What a fool I was.
At the time he got called up, we were part of a unit in Germany that was being disbanned and we were preparing to return to the US. We had already had our phone turned off. Two men from his unit came to our door on a Sunday afternoon. Their faces were so grim, I thought someone had died. At first I did not understand what they were saying. You could see they felt so bad. It was all so surreal. After they left, I looked at my husband and said "What were they talking about?" He just looked at me, I will never forget that look. If you can imagine, sadness, grief,and fear, that was the look I saw on his face. "I am going to Saudi" he said. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I have heard people say 'it seemed like time stood still' and I know what they mean.
posted by wanda at 12:18 PM
Good news tonight.
"Coalition troops have entered Bagdad". That's good news right?
I am against this war, but if we are going to do it, lets do it right! Kick ass and take no prisoners!
posted by wanda at 1:18 AM
Friday, April 04, 2003
My new motto is
Support Our Troops...Pray for Peace...So they can all come home, SOON!
posted by wanda at 1:44 PM
Did anyone besides me see ER last night? Wow! That ending was awesome. I kept thinking someone is going to knock Ramono on his ass, and sure enough, they did! Off duty cops no less! Gotta love it!
Just thought I'd talk about something besides the war for a change.
I see that the allied forces have taken the airport. Can Saddam be far behind? Any day now they should be bringing HIM in.
Of course they will. He will be so much easier to find than Bin Laden. After all he isn't 6'4" , he doesn't require dialysis, and his face is probably the second most recognized in the world. Of course there are all those pesky look-a-like fake Saddam's. That could complicate things. I have faith (not), we can do it.
posted by wanda at 1:31 PM
I can't believe my eyes! Did I actually read that MaDonna has recalled her video, because she doesn't want to offend anyone?
Is this the same woman who's whole carreer has been based on how far she can push the envelope? Shocking , stunning, controversial, outside the box, all would describe MaDonna. Being concerned about being misunderstood or offending someone? I never thought I'd see the day.
Have mercy!
Either she is losing her edge, or , well I don't want to think what the alternative is.
Oh girl, say it ain't so!!!
posted by wanda at 1:20 AM
Ahh, at last, a place to call my very own. It's just one tiny spot, but it is my spot. It may not be of importance to anyone except me. But, it's my place to vent, to express and occassionaly digress (well probably more than occassionaly). I have this way of starting out talking about one thing and wandering off onto other things. My brain moves faster than my fingers, considering how slow I type, that is a good thing. Anyway, about this blog. I decided to do this because , I have so many opinions about so many things. I am tired of carrying them around in my head, so I am going to put some of the words on a page, get them out of my head, to make more thinking room in my head. Now, I don't fancy myself that anyone will care what I have to say. I just figured if I put the thoughts into words and write them down, I can come back later and be reminded of what I forgot.
Today's train of thought....
Casualties of War
In my opinion, the first casuality of 'this war' has been free speech. It seems to have all started with the Dixie Chicks fiasco. First of all it was only one Dixie Chick who had anything to say. I still haven't heard what the other two think. Now, all she said was "just so you know, we are ashamed that the President is from Texas too..." or something pretty close to that. How that got to them being un-patriotic and un-American, and them not being supportive of 'our troops', is beyond me. There are soooooo many reasons to be ashamed of dubya. None of which are related to "The War" or 'our troops'. There's that whole problem with NOT knowing how to correctly pronounce certain words thing. He isn't too great at math either. Neither of which makes him a bad guy, just not someone you'd be proud to be the leader of the largest country in the free world. In fact he probably is a pretty nice guy. A good husband, a good Father, a good son (oh boy is he a good son). None of which makes him the right guy to be leader of the largest country in the free world. HIs biggest problem is the folks he hangs around with. That whole Republican Party, big corporations, big money crowd.
See I told you, I'd digress....
Back to the first casuality of "The War".
I think this is all part of the whole right wing conspiracy. The Republican Party (of which Fox News is the loudest voice) has decided that if they can make 'support our troops' synonymous with 'support the President, the Republican Party, and their agenda' then they can insure retaining the power in Washington for at least four more years. Of course if they drop Cheney as VP, and move in someone younger, more attractive, and less 'big money' looking, then who knows how long they could stretch it out. If they can manage to make anyone who dares to say anything the least negative about "The War" appear to be un-American, un-patriotic, un-supportive of our troops, then they are almost home free. Look at France. The French have been our greatest allies since, well since the Revolutionay War, and now, well just look, we can't even get 'french fries' in the Capitol caferteria anymore! The Dixie Chicks are being boycotted, and Michael Moore is being booed, and by a Hollywood audience no less! The loudest voice in this whole scenario is none other than FOX Network News, 'the fair and unbiased' news people. They trample all over anyone who dares to have an opinion contrary to their own. They invite guest to their programs only to drown out anything the guest might say,with the argument, " but don't you think we should show more support for our troops", or "isn't that a Marxist attitude". The only reason they have a guest is just to have a warm body to bounce off of while they spout their propaganda.
Yes, it is just MY opinion, but I do believe that when all is said and done, free speech will be the first casuality of "The War".
posted by wanda at 12:30 AM