Support/Salute Our Troops
As long as they go forth to fight and die. To defend not only our freedom but to procure the freedom of the oppressed throughout the world. I will exert my right, my freedom, nay, my responsibility to honor them.
God bless those who have died so valiantly, and protect and bless those who still serve.

posted by wanda at 1:00 AM
From Greene Thoughts
"Stand up America!
If Bush wins this fall a bill will be introduced on 1/21/05 to reinstate
the draft as well as a request for 150 Billion to pay for the ongoing
war in Iraq and likely somewhere else by then. You will hear nothing
but denials from now until Nov. 3 but mark my words.
And where will that money come from? Not the wealthy,
as the tax cuts will be made permanent by a right wing congress
and a lame duck WhiteHouse that has absolutely NOTHING to lose
over the following four years and can scorch the earth,
literally and figuratively at will."
This sends shivers down my spine. Am I the only one?
posted by wanda at 1:54 AM
Of the People, For the People , By the People
Dave over at
Smile At Me has a brilliant post today on the qualities of leadership. Reading it gave me chills.
In his comments David made a statement regarding
" Lincoln was truly one of our greatest presidents. It saddens me that, were he alive now, I don't think he would stand a chance in hell of being elected president. Lincoln was, even by his own admission, a rather physically unattractive man. Many of today's television and Hollywood movie addicted voters would probably take one look and vote for the other guy, if they bothered to vote at all." This comment reminded me of something I had read in another blog by a woman from Oregon, who said that her teenaged daughter has commented she wouldn't vote for Kerry because he is , 'well, old and wrinkedly looking'. What a sad commentary this is on our society. I hope the girls Mother took the time to educate her daughter on the fallacy of her thinking.
All of this combined got me to thinking about the people who just don't
get it . They either judge the candidate on his looks or his charm, or they just flat out refuse to get involved. I don't know which is worse. I am sick of people burying their head in the sand, saying
"I don't want to get involved.". Well excuse me but you live in this freaking country and you enjoy the benifits of living here. Benifits men and women have died to preserve for you. How about giving a little something back. How about getting off you lazy unconcerned ass and take a stand. Stop being a pussy.
If George W. Bush prevails in his bid to remain in the White House, it will be the fault of the 'uninvolved'. The 'what difference can one person make', people. Them and those who vote for Ralph Nadar. Like they don't know that every vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. These people don't have a freaking clue, and by all rights they
deserve to live in the kind of country that Dubya and his crowd are so determinded to bring about. The problem is, the rest of us will have to live here too.
Or maybe not. I like
ampro at
The Big Wedding , have been giving more and more thought to that great land to the north. Has Canada become the America our forefathers were dreaming of?
posted by wanda at 10:55 PM