"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin
Saturday, June 12, 2004
All Hail Howard!
Wouldn't it be just ducky (yes pun intended) if Howard Stern were the one who saved the world from Dubya and his gang?
Campaign Journal I see that the New Democrat Network has released a new polling memo featuring an interesting tidbit:
The Stern Gang
Potentially offsetting the conservative dominance of the radio waves is Howard Stern. The nationally-syndicated radio host is listened to by 17 percent of likely voters, and nationally, they would support Kerry over Bush by a margin of 53 percent to 43 percent. In the battleground states, their preference for Kerry is even stronger, backing him by a margin of 59 percent to 37 percent.
More importantly, one-quarter of all likely voting Stern listeners are swing voters. This means that four percent of likely voters this fall are swing voters who listen to Howard Stern, showing Stern's potential ability to impact the race. Generally, likely voters who are Stern listeners are: 2 to 1 male to female; 40 percent Democrats, 26 percent Republicans, and 34 percent Independents; more liberal and less conservative than the average voter; significantly younger than the average voter (two-thirds are under 50 and 40 percent are under 35); more diverse; and more driven in their vote by economic issues.
Sleeping giant, I tell you. I have some relatives who live in Nevada -- early 30's, apolitical mostly, libertarian by instinct, hard core Howard, Tool and Quentin Tarantino fans.
I don't know if they are representative, but their big issues are freedom of speech, the religious right, Iraq and The Patriot Act. One has never voted before and the other two considered themselves Republican until now. Howard has them all fired up about this election and they can't wait to vote against Junior.
Thanks goes out to
Rainstorm and
Hullabaloo , for the link to this
good news article.
posted by wanda at 1:48 PM
Friday, June 11, 2004
Voters Shift in Favor of Kerry
By Ronald Brownstein, Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Widespread unease over the country's direction and doubts about President Bush's policies on Iraq and the economy helped propel Sen. John F. Kerry to a solid lead among voters nationwide, according to a new Times poll.
The surveys suggest that attitudes may be coalescing for a contest that pivots on the classic electoral question at times of discontent: Will voters see more risk in stability or change?
More than one-third of those questioned in the nationwide poll said they didn't know enough about Kerry to decide whether he would be a better president than Bush. And when asked which candidate was more likely to flip-flop on issues, almost twice as many named Kerry than Bush.
Yet Kerry led Bush by 51% to 44% nationally in a two-way matchup, and by 48% to 42% in a three-way race, with independent Ralph Nader drawing 4%.
Lifting Kerry is a powerful tailwind of dissatisfaction with the nation's course and Bush's answers for challenges at home and abroad. Nearly three-fifths believe the nation is on the wrong track, the highest level a Times poll has recorded during Bush's presidency.
Also, 56% said America "needs to move in a new direction" because Bush's policies have not improved the country. Just 39% say America is better off because of his agenda.
The L.A. Times
Which just goes to show, even with all the brouhaha over Reagan, more and more Americans are beginning to see the light.
From MSNBC.com....
"By 56 percent to 16 percent, voters felt that Bush was “too ideological and stubborn.” They gave Kerry better marks for ideas for
strengthening the economy, building respect for the U.S. around the world, and handling the problems of cost and access to health care.
During the Clinton years, Jeremy Tuck said he had been selling mobile homes in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and at $45,000 a year, making good money. Last year, he was assembling mobile homes, earning $15,000 and living hand-to-mouth. "You make more money in plain terms when Democrats are in office, Tuck said with a shrug, "but Republicans are stronger on the military..."
Which is interesting since Bush's rating within the miltary ranks is dismal at best. Survey's show that members of the military and their families have lost faith in Bush's ability to be an effective leader. Sending
weekend soldiers to fight in long term conflict has caused distrust and unrest amoung many across the country. The recent announcement of the instigating of the controversial
stop-loss program has angered many Americans. Many are referring to it as a
backdoor draft. If Bush is relying on the military vote to up his votes in November, he will need to make some drastic changes in policy and fast.
It looks like Kerry's campaign policy of laying low, saying little and letting the facts speak for themselves may be working.
posted by wanda at 12:38 AM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
In this time of mourning, there must be room made for the truth...
Some great things happened while Reagan was in office. Much of which can be attributed to luck, as Judah points out in his post
The Luck of The Gipper. There were also some very bad things.
Irresponsible "Responsible Dems can play the bipartisan game that Reagan was not an evil monster, but I won't. This is a man who supported Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein when it suited his Cold War purposes, then we are expected to forget that thousands died in New York City because this man thought playing "enemy of my enemy is my friend" games wouldn't lead to consequences. The pit at Ground Zero is Ronald Reagan's legacy."
read the full article....
Reagan: Enemy of the Working People
Planet Reagan
Ronald Reagan's squalid Legacy
Left End of The Dial (scroll down to
Silence Is Golden)
To sum it up, Steve from
The Yellow Doggerel Democrat, says it best...
"Reagan was a right-wing ideologue, to be sure, but an ideologue with a genuine vision. If the current administration full of right-wing ideologues has any vision, it is completely obscured by their unbridled greed and lust for power. Reagan's ideology at least was genuine, even if I deplored its misbegotten principles and its terrible results.
I know from personal experience that the family of an Alzheimer's victim cries as much in relief as in grief when the person dies. Ronald Reagan, whoever he was, has been gone for a long time now, not dead, but gone in a way few of us can imagine. When he goes physically to the grave, his family may begin to complete the grieving they began many years ago. I wish them peace, knowing it will be a long time before they find it. It certainly was a long time for me.
There is of course a political dimension to Reagan's passing. The nature of the people who took power four years ago is so banal that it will be irresistible to them to "spin one for the Gipper" in this pre-election period. I cry foul in advance. I deplore them for the sin they are certain to commit. Neither Reagan nor America deserves that. "
Amen Steve, amen!
posted by wanda at 11:26 PM
If I Were A Betting Woman
If I were a betting woman, I'd be a bit richer today. A few days ago someone was taking wagers on how long it would be before someone suggested that Reagan replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. I estimated 3 days.
Imagine my surprise (not) when there on the front page of USAToday is the caption that reads
Is Reagan Worthy of The $10 Bill.... A conservative group launches a campaign to replace Alexander Hamilton's visage, with that of Ronald Reagan.
Damn, I sure wish I'd put some money on that bet. Do I know my conservatives or what?
posted by wanda at 2:40 AM
Monday, June 07, 2004
"Thriller about terrorists targeting a U.S. nuclear-power plant."
If you didn't watch this movie last night, you really should. First of all if you're a terrorist, or in cahoots with terrorist, you will see first hand the perfect way to infiltrate and take over a nuclear-power plant. Who would have ever thought of parchuting in, right past the guards? Well in all fairness probably the same people that thought of flying airplanes into tall buildings. Which is exactly what you are led to belive, until about 2/3's way through the movie. It's those big bad Al Qeada terrorist. Except that the FBI guy keeps telling everybody it's not. Al Qeada he points out, does not take hostages. They hit, hard and fast and go down with their victims. Of course nobody's listening to him. There's the hard assed military guy, who's gung ho to 'send in the troops' and kill
these bastard terrorist. In the end he sides with the FBI guy, somethings not
right here, he says. The gang in Washington is all up in arms. Not about the real threat, which is a
Meltdown, but in keeping the public informed as little as possible. Which is the underlying point of the movie.
The terrorist are not who you've been led to believe they are. Let it suffice to say that the words
decorated war Veterans will take on a whole new meaning. Their goal is not what you've been led to believe it is. The last 1/3 of the movie is chilling. Especially the last 3 or 4 minutes.
The movie premiered on
FX last night, but will be airing again on June 10th at 7 & 10 PM (I'm assuming those are central times) then again on June 12th at 10PM, and on June 13th at 5PM. You really should catch this one if you can. What it says about terrorism and our governments response to it is insightful to say the least.
posted by wanda at 3:34 PM
Sunday, June 06, 2004
What the????
Kerry Suspends Campaign...
Why do I consistantly get the feeling that Kerry just does not want this bad enough? Yes, it is sad that former President Reagan has died. A day, maybe two of mourning is appropriate. But suspending your campaign? Not that he's been doing any hot and heavy campaigning to begin with.
I don't know what concerns me more, that Kerry doesn't seem to have the passion needed to ignite those undecided voters, or that this man is what primary voters chose over a man like Howard Dean. What is wrong with Democrats? Do they think that Bush is so bad, voters will just jump ship and either vote for the only alternative or not vote at all? Clearly they are underestimating the fierce loyalty of Bush's supporters. Kerry or someone from his campaign needs to get on the internet and read some of the Blogs for Bush. Maybe then they will realize, Bush has a very strong base, and they aren't going anywhere. As for the undecideds, they aren't just undecided, they are unconcerned, as well. Odds are most of them wont' bother to vote.
I will say this about Reagan. He possessed a passion, and a love of his country and his fellow man that neither Bush or Kerry seems capable of.
Maybe what we need is men like Howard Dean and John Ashcroft running. At least then you would be able to distinguish between good and evil, and which was which. Besides the fact that Ashcroft couldn't beat a dead man.
Sorry for the rant on a day of national mourning, but I needed to get that off my chest.
Ladies and gentlemen, THE GIPPER has left the building.
Godspeed Mr President
posted by wanda at 1:36 PM