"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin
Saturday, February 05, 2005
The Whole Truth
"Social Security faces challenges, However,Bush's privatization plan will only make things worse.
First, in order to pay for the creation of private accounts, Bush wants to borrow $2 trillion from foreign nations. (It's not like we don't already owe China everything but the kitchen sink)
Secondly, Bush wants to cut benefits. How? He wants to change the way Social Security benefits are calculated, and by doing that, future retirees(that's people under 55, like YOU and ME)
will see a nearly 50 percent cut in benefits compared to the current system. And that's whether you set up a private account or not.
And here's the worst part. Even after all those cuts and massive borrowing, private accounts would actually do nothing to help save Social Security. Don't take my word for it. Bush's own White House admitted that this week. In fact, private accounts will actually speed the insolvency of the program.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, Social Security is solvent until 2052. And even after 2052, it still will not be bankrupt as the president has said. There's no dispute that Social Security faces problems down the road, and we must address that. But we have the time to do it right.
that begins with telling the American people the whole truth."
Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee
Tell the American people the whole truth? What a concept! One the current administration has
NEVER thought necessary. In fact they appear to think
they know what is best for us and don't care if we agree or not. Ever heard that old saying
give em an inch, and they'll take a mile... ? Nothing could come closer to describing this administration.
I hope every single one of those 60+ million people who
supposedly voted for Bush gets just as screwed as the rest of us. No, I take that back, I hope they get screwed ten times worse. Every single freaking one of them!!!
posted by wanda at 4:04 PM
An Honest Man
You gotta give this guy credit.
General: It's 'fun to shoot some people'
At least he's honest about it. We could use a little more of that in Washington these days. I'm sure that's how our new Attorney General feels. Probably more than a few others do as well.
Realistically I don't totally disagree with him/them. There are
some people that are alive today only because it's illegal to shoot them. Of course in some countries that doesn't apply.
posted by wanda at 1:47 AM
Friday, February 04, 2005
Postcards from the Edge
Or rather---
While scanning through
CNN's online news page, I came across this tidbit....
Stations to air controversial cartoon
"Episode of 'Buster' under fire for showing lesbian couples..."
NEW YORK (AP) -- Several PBS stations will air an episode of the children's show "Postcards From Buster" despite the network's decision not to distribute it nationwide because two lesbian couples were depicted in it.
The show features an animated character, Buster, visiting farms in Vermont where maple sugar is produced, and includes two lesbian couples that work on the farms."
Excuse me a moment while I climb up on my soapbox here...
What the dickens is wrong with people in this country? We had begun to reach a point where we finally learned to accept people,
all people for themselves. To love and repsect one another as individuals regardless of race, gender, religion (or lack thereof) or sexual orientation. The 21st century showed promise of becoming a time when people universally would be simply people. People of all nationalities, races, religions and sexual orientation were all living peacefully in the same neighborhoods. Even here in Podunt, our Garden Club not only awarded the much coveted
Yard of The Week (and Month ) to the gay couple who live on the corner of 5th & Main, but we invited them to
join the club as well. Gay couples joined the local churches and even sang in the choir. Yes, even in Podunt, where the
real redneck philosophy lives and flourishes, we had moved into the future.
Then something happened. Somehow the zealots began to worm their way back into the mainstream. Almost overnight it's once again become
acceptable to discriminate against people. Yes, for now it's focused mainly on the homosexual community, but don't you for one minute think it won't eventually widen to include anyone who doesn't fit the
norm .
I've altered the following a bit.
First they came for the Jews Gays
and I did not speak out
because I was not Jew Gay.
Then they came for the Communists Muslims/Liberals/ect.
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist Muslim/Liberal, ect..
Then they came for the trade unionists Women/Blacks/ect.,
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist Woman/Black.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller YOU!
Everytime I read about something like this. Or hear someone make some dumbassed comment about gays or homosexuals I think of my dear friends who are gay. I think of how they must feel when they see and hear these hurtful things. I think of how there are people who would deny them the basic simple rights and freedoms that I enjoy, just because their
different . It makes me want to reach out and touch
someone . And I don't mean in a kinder, gentler way either.
Disclaimer: Anyone offended by the above post should feel free not to read it, or comment on it. Which I will assume you are if you don't.
posted by wanda at 1:18 AM
Thursday, February 03, 2005
I am Ashamed
Today I am ashamed. Ashamed of the men and women who voted for this.
Alberto Gonzales wins Senate confirmation
I am ashamed that this man will stand as the top legal representative of my country. Ashamed that men like John McCain didn't have the guts to stand up and say this man does not represent the way Americans view torture. I'm ashamed of every democrat who voted for his confirmation. I expected nothing less of republicans. They've made it clear where they stand. But I expected democrats to stand together on this one. What fools they have made of the people who elected them.
I suppose next we'll see Clarence Thomas appointed Chief Justice, and John Ashcroft will be the next SCJ to be appointed.
Dear God how far to the right can this country go before we fall right over the edge into religious fanaticism?
I feel like weeping.
posted by wanda at 4:34 PM
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Bush's State of the Union Address
To Gonzales
Write a letter or send an email to your Senator or Congressman.
Contact your Senator/Congressman....
Do it today. Tell them to
We cannot afford (literally) to let these issues slip through our hands the way the election did. Too much is at stake.
posted by wanda at 4:06 PM
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Why Did They Vote?
" Just days before the election, 52 year-old Amin Hajar who owns an auto garage in central Baghdad had said: "I'll vote because I can't afford to have my food ration cut...if that happened, me and my family would starve to death."
Hajar told IPS that when he picked up his monthly food ration recently, he was forced to sign a form stating that he had picked up his voter registration. He had feared that the government would use this information to track those who did not vote.
read more:
Some Just Voted For Food
Could this be the dirty little secret that Bush & Co. don't want us to know about? How many of those millions who supposedly showed up to vote, did so under threat of being straved to death if they didn't? What a horrible choice, risk your life to vote, or risk being starved if you don't.
How will we ever know the truth? There are so many lies surrounding this administration that I doubt they even know the truth anymore.
Thanks to
oldwhitelady at
It's Morning Somewhere , for the link to this story.
update: Thanks to
Faramin for this
U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote: Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror. Eerily familiar headline isn't it?
posted by wanda at 4:22 PM
Monday, January 31, 2005
Once More With Feeling
I've said it before, but this issue is important enough that it bears repeating.
Gonzales Must Not Be Confirmed
Yet, we know the probability is that he will be. When both the Senate and the House are controlled by
repugnicans Republicans, can there be any doubt of his forthcoming confirmation? I thought I had seen the worst possible AG when Ashcroft took over the office of United States Attorney General. Now I realize I was only seeing the prelude to the real
nightmare to come.
Today as Iraqi's participate in the process that is promised to begin to bring freedom and democracy to their embattled country, we here in the US face the reality that our own freedom and democracy are under attack, from within. Anyone who does not recognize the drive by the republican party to bring an end to the democratic two party system in our country, either isn't paying attention, or simply doesn't care. Sadly I suspect the larger percentage lies in the ladder.
I am joining the legion of other bloggers who have signed
Daily Kos Statement Opposing the Confirmation of Alberto Gonzales
It is imperative that we not let this one slide by virtually unchallenged the way the Rice confirmation did.
posted by wanda at 10:02 PM
They Had to Walk
Under the threat of death, they walked.
I can't help it. This brought tears to my tired old eyes.
No one who knows me would have any doubt where I stand on the invasion of Iraq. So you know how much it takes for me to post this picture.
Would I say it was worth everyone of the thousands of deaths that brought Iraq to this day? No, I won't say it was, but I won't say it wasn't either. People die everyday, and for nowhere near as great a cause. If I had to die, I think I'd want it to be for something such as this.
If indeed the invasion of Iraq was to bring this freedom to these people, I might could have been onboard from the beginning. But, that is
not what we were told in March of 2003. We were told that Iraq had WMD's and they were a extreme threat to not only the US but the world. It was only after no WMD's were found that the '
reason ' was changed to bringing democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people. If our President had stepped up to the plate and admitted that he and his administration had made a mistake,
but were now comitted to seeing this process through to the end. I might could have been more supportive. His/their refusal to stand up to their mistake tarnished everything that followed.
Except this. I will not let my disgust with Bush & Co. keep me from admitting this was a remarkable day for Iraq.
I can't help but think, everyone of those people who risk their lives to go to the polls and vote, did so thinking "...so many of our countrymen, women and children have died, I can not let this day pass without honoring their death by doing this my part....".
Therefore I cannot let this day pass without acknowledging their sacrifice and what it brought to Iraq.
Thank God for American soliders. For without them, many would have never seen such a day as this.
posted by wanda at 1:44 PM
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Gonzales Must Not Be Confirmed
Yet, we know the probability is that he will be. When both the Senate and the House are controlled by
repugnicans Republicans, can there be any doubt of his forthcoming confirmation? I thought I had seen the worst possible AG when Ashcroft took over the office of United States Attorney General. Now I realize I was only seeing the prelude to the real
nightmare to come.
Today as Iraqi's participate in the process that is promised to begin to bring freedom and democracy to their embattled country, we here in the US face the reality that our own freedom and democracy are under attack, from within. Anyone who does not recognize the drive by the republican party to bring an end to the democratic two party system in our country, either isn't paying attention, or simply doesn't care. Sadly I suspect the larger percentage lies in the ladder.
I am joining the legion of other bloggers who have signed
Daily Kos Statement Opposing the Confirmation of Alberto Gonzales
It is imperative that we not let this one slide by virtually unchallenged the way the Rice confirmation did.
posted by wanda at 3:20 PM